A safe home
Since the earliest days, the vision for Little Bethel was that the girls and staff would have a purpose-built home. To be very brief: a casual discussion during a meeting, a gap of a few years, a phone call to Little Bethel enquiring how much would be required to build a new home. The funds were miraculously made available, building commenced and, within 6 months of that phone call, was completed in time for the first transfer of girls to their wonderful new home in February 2022! Little Bethel is expected to grow gradually throughout the months ahead until it reaches an amazing capacity of 28 girls. So many more girls whose lives will be transformed forever! In 2025 the number of girls living at Little Bethel is 18.
The founders of New Zoi opened the doors of their own home in 2015 in order to rescue girls from situations such as bonded labour, trafficking and abuse. The girls they work with have experienced unimaginable tragedies and are often the victims of violence, extreme poverty, sexual abuse, physical and psychological trauma, trafficking, malnutrition and impaired development. Some girls used to live in public toilets.
At Little Bethel the girls receive shelter, food, clothing and education in a safe and loving environment. Here is a little about "T", aged 12, rescued from human trafficking:
T's mother is deaf and dumb, her father and brothers drug addicts. She used to beg on streets to fill her stomach, she had never been to school and was frequently under threat of trafficking. Her first few weeks at Little Bethel were a huge challenge for everyone because of the dark days of her past life but she has now grown physically, spiritually and emotionally, receiving extra care both at school and at Little Bethel. She has hope for her future and aspirations to become a nurse.